Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

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Rated 5.0 out of 5
August 8, 2022

I just HAD to comment on your webiste about this amazing product!! If everyone knew how well your system works, not a single person would have their teeth professionally whitened. After using it for just a few days, 30 minutes each day, people are noticing the difference in my teeth. Your product has produced the quickest results I have ever seen, and for such an affordable price! Thank you!!


No Title

Rated 5.0 out of 5
August 8, 2022

Hey there,

My name is Ashley. I am 20 years old and having been using your product since I was 16. I have to be honest with you my teeth are white! I get compliments all the time and everyone always asks me how I get them so sparkly white. I always recommend your product to all my friends and family. Before I used your product it was hard for me to even smile. I already had the sraight teeth due to many years of braces but they weren’t my ideal color, it took me literally only 2 days after starting with dr.georges dental white to notice a drastic difference and thats the truth!

If thats not enough for you, my senior year I was nominated for best smile and have been asked to do advertising for a major teeth whitening company on more then one occassion. I owe a lot of that to you guys. I will continue to use and recommend your product to anyone who asks. Thank you so much.

Ashley Cifone

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